Peace Corps Ukrainian Lessons
This is my attempt at some minor "enhancements" to the Ukrainian lessons that were given to us by Peace Corps.
Lesson Remix
I removed the annoying instructions from the beginning of each lesson, and inserted a couple seconds between each English word or phrase and its Ukrainian equivalent. So now there's a little time to hazard a guess at the Ukrainian word before it's given to you.
- Lesson 2 - Alphabet
- Lesson 3 - Greetings
- Lesson 4 - Useful Phrases
- Lesson 5 - Getting Acquainted
- Lesson 6 - Family
- Lesson 7 - About Myself
- Lesson 8 - Food
- Lesson 9 - Apartment
- Lesson 10 - Numerals
- Lesson 11 - At the Store
- Lesson 12 - Transport
- Lesson 13 - City
- Lesson 14 - Post Office
- Lesson 15 - Signs
- Lesson 16 - Emergencies
- Lesson 17 - Personal Pronouns
- Lesson 18 - Professions
- Lesson 19 - Days of the Week and Months
- Lesson 20 - Question Words
Audio Flash Cards
I chopped up many of the words and phrases into individual sound files. Put these on your iPod or burn them to a CD, hit "shuffle", and you have audio flash cards! Sorry I didn't do all the available words, but it turns out to be a lot of work — and CDs max out at 99 tracks, anyway.
Ukrainian Audio Flash
- good morning
- good afternoon
- good evening
- hi
- how are you
- im good thank you
- and you
- fine
- good luck
- goodbye
- bye
Useful Phrases
- i study ukrainian
- im sorry, i dont understand
- its important
- just a minute
- repeat, please
- translate, please
- what a shame
Getting Acquainted
- see you tomorrow
- how old are you
- i am 25
- my name is sasha
- nice to meet you
- what is your name
- where are you from
- who are you
- who is it
About Myself
At the Store
Post Office
- the post office is in the center
- how much does the envelope to america cost
- how much does the post card cost
- entrance
- toilet for women
- toilet for men
- pull
- crosswalk
- attention
- push
- closed
- lunch
- open
- be careful
- break
- exit