Quick update! We made it to Philly with no problems. Thanks to Ma & Pa G for taking us to the airport in Charlotte! We met 53 other very cool volunteers. We’re the only North Carolinians, although there are 2 other folks from Colorado, and 1 from St. Louis. (In fact, she and Alex may be 2nd cousins, once removed, or something like that!) There are 2 PCTs from Hawaii, a couple from Alaska, and at least one person from Santa Rosa. Our group also seems pretty diverse age-wise. There are probably 12 in the over-40 category, most of whom have retired. Over a third are recent college grads. We spent about 5 1/2 hours this afternoon doing icebreakers and talking about PC safety and policies, then went out for Thai food for dinner. We’ll be up early in the morning to leave for JFK! We’ll post again when we have Internet access, which may not be for a week or so.
By the way, GO HEELS! I expect lots of emails, blog comments, and facebook posts to let me know how our Tar Heel boys do on Saturday!