Sorry to have kept you all in the dark for a couple of weeks, but the exciting news is that our first playground (of 3) is amost ready! However, you’re going to have to wait a few more days for pictures, because we want you to be completely surprised by the finished product and site’s transformation!

After 2+ weeks of rainy days, our carpenters were finally able to start installing our playground equipment this week. The whole thing should be finished tomorrow! On Sunday, everyone will celebrate Easter, and then we’ll have a community workday on Monday to paint it all. Hopefully people will come out and help, since it’ll be a day off.
We can actually see this site from our apartment windows, and it’s been fun to watch our neighbors—adults, kids, parents with small children—already walking by to examine the site and even try out the new equipment. I think it’s going to be a really popular spot!
Finally: a side note about another noteworthy project in Ukraine. Peace Corps’ Gender and Development Council, of which I am a member, runs three annual summer camps for Ukrainian girls and boys. These camps offer wonderful opportunities for Ukrainian kids to discuss important issues such as gender, violence, HIV/AIDS, and human trafficking, all while having a great time at camp! It only takes $72 to send a child to camp for a week. So, if you missed the chance to help us with our Parks & Playgrounds Project, or if you want to do contribute to another fabulous project, donate here. To find out more information about the camps, please visit this website.
It’s looking good. Can’t wait to see the finished pictures, and also pictures of the kids playing! Love, Mom G.